By Association

The approach By Association is a more flexible way to structure your narratives than the Hierarchical approach. As with the Hierarchical approach, the approach By Association involves establishing a hierarchy of narratives, but in this case using the Associated Narratives fields on the Associations tab:


In this example, two narratives are associated with a narrative immediately above them in some kind of logical relationship: the higher level narrative is a general discussion of novels written by P.K. Dick in the 1960s, and the two associated narratives are about specific novels he wrote in the 1960s.

In the same way, this record, The Novels of P.K. Dick - the 60s, can be associated with a narrative higher up some kind of logical hierarchy, for instance, a narrative about the author Philip K. Dick, which in turn could be associated with a higher level narrative about Science Fiction, and so on.

Tip: When using this approach, keeping narratives in some kind of logical hierarchy is the simplest way to manage and keep track of associations.

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